Course :
allows you to dive supervised up to 20 meters.
6 sessions, i.e 3 days (from tuesday to thursday).
Includes theory book, Dive Log and certification.
You can get double certified Level 1 and Open Water in 9 sessions.
If you're already PE12, the Level 1 only takes 3 sessions if the diver is experienced.
Conditions of aplication:
be at least 12 years old.
have a valid FFESSM license (possibility to take it at REDERIS: 45 €).
Recommended supplementary insurance (possibility to take it at REDERIS: from 20,10 €).
certificate showing that you have been medically evaluated and cleared for diving by a physician less than a year ago.
Course :
allows you to dive in autonomy up to 20 meters and supervised up to 40m.
theorical lessons.
10 sessions, i.e 5 days (from monday to friday).
You can get double certified Level 2 and advanced in 10 dives.
Mandatory gear (sale or rent possible at REDERIS) :
Conditions of applications:
be at least 15 years old at the start of the course and the certification. NB : autonomy prerogatives are only possible at 16 years old.
have a valid FFESSM license (possibility to take it at REDERIS: 45 €).
Recommended supplementary insurance (possibility to take it at REDERIS: from 20,10 €).
certificate showing that you have been medically evaluated and cleared for diving by a physician less than a year ago.
have 20 logged dives since Level 1.
RIFAP (Réaction et Intervention Face à un Accident de Plongée) (Reaction and Response to a Diving Accident)
Course :
mandatory from Level 2 to be able to take another level.
possibility to take this course alone or at the same time as another.
Conditions of applications:
be at least 16 (with a signed authorisation from a legal guardian).
have a valid FFESSM license (possibility to take it at REDERIS: 45 €).
Recommended supplementary insurance (possibility to take it at REDERIS: from 20,10 €).
certificate showing that you have been medically evaluated and cleared for diving by a physician less than a year ago.
Course :
allows you to be autonomous up to 60 meters with a Dive Director OR autonomous up to 40 meters witout a Dive Director.
theoritical lessons.
10 sessions, i.e 5 days (from monday to friday).
Mandatory gear (sale or rent possible at REDERIS) :
Conditions of application :
have 20 logged dives in natural environment, 5 of which are between 35 and 40 meters (+10 dives in autonomy for PA40 and PA60 courses).
have a valid FFESSM license (possibility to take it at REDERIS: 45 €).
Recommended supplementary insurance (possibility to take it at REDERIS: from 20,10 €).
certificate showing that you have been medically evaluated and cleared for diving by a physician less than a year ago.
Specific conditions:
be at least 18 at the start of the course and certification.
be PE40 certified and have 20 logged dives in natural environment , 5 of which between 35 and 40 meters.
be at least 16 at the start of the course and certification.
be Level 2 certified (N2) NB : autonomy prerogatives are only accessible at 17 years old.
have the RIFAP.
PA60 - level 3
be at least 18 at the strat of the course and certification.
be level 2 certified
être titulaire du RIFAP.
knive + torche.
a medical certificate done by a specialist
Level 4
Course :
allows you to supervise a dive group of 4 level 1 minimum in the 0-40 meters zone.
theoritical lessons.
20 sessions, i.e 2 weeks (from monday to friday with week-end off).
Mandatory gear (sale or rent possible at REDERIS) :
Conditions of applications:
be 17 years old at the start of the exam ( minors must have a signed authorisation of a legal guardian).
be Leval 3 certified or PA40 (FFESSM) or an equivalent diploma (Code du Sport).
have the RIFAP
have a valid FFESSM license (possibility to take it at REDERIS: 45 €).
Recommended supplementary insurance (possibility to take it at REDERIS: from 20,10 €).
certificate showing that you have been medically evaluated and cleared for diving by a physician less than a year ago.
knive + torche.
have 50 logged dives + 10 at more than 30 meters.
Possibility to get your PADI Divemaster and get a International Professional diploma in 4 extra days under some conditions.

Courses Dates 2024
From April 08 to April 19
From May 13 to May 24
From June 03 to June 14
From July 08 to July 19
From September 16 to September 27
From October 7 to October 18