Kids course
Every year in July/August
Your child loved his first dive and wants to go further? We have 3 possible courses according to age and level, taking place on 5 afternoons from 4pm to 6pm (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday).
Conditions of application :
be between 8 and 12 years old.
legal guardian autorisation.
Certificate showing that you have been medically evaluated and cleared for diving by a physician less than a year ago.

Bronze Diver
Introduction to the use of scuba gear and discovery of the environment. They will also have some basic theoretical knowledge. This will allow them to be supervised by an instructor in the 0-6 meter zone.
Silver Diver
In depth study of the scuba gear, learn to do short freediving and improve your buoyancy in the 0-6 meters zone.

Gold Diver
Improvement of his BCD learning, stabilisation, his reaction to usual situations and his theoretical knowledge. This makes it possible to dive with a partner, supervised by a monitor in the area of 0-12 meters, or even 0-20 meters for the +12 years.